5 Tips to Help Recover From Training

After a heavy day in the gym or at a particularly high-energy training session, you can tell tomorrow will not be fun. DOMs (Delayed-onset muscle soreness) is muscle pain that begins after you've worked out, normally starting a day or two after. While you may not be able to completely offset the discomfort, there are some actions you can take to decrease your pain such as adequate nutrition and hydration. Start your fitness journey with Osprey Leisure club and start feeling the benefits of regular workouts and minimise recovery time afterwards. Contact us to learn more about the range of fitness classes or gym memberships we offer.


One of the most important parts of your workout, before, during and after, is hydration. Working out and intense exercise should produce sweat, causing your body to lose essential moisture and salts. Water helps to carry nutrients and oxygen to your cells and regulates body temperature, allowing your body to recover from training. Dehydration can impair your muscles' ability to repair themselves. Without enough water in your body, you won’t be able to bounce back and take advantage of all of the hard work you’ve just done. Drink plenty of water in the run up to and after your workout to give your body the best chance at a quick recovery.



Another top tip for recovery is rest. Listen to your body during and after a workout and take as much rest as you need between sets and before returning for another session. When you return to training before you are fully rested, not only are you putting your heart and muscles under undue strain, but your risk of injury is also much higher. Sleep allows your body to regenerate damaged cells and muscle tissue, it replenishes hormones and energy stores and allows the body to regenerate faster. Improve your quality of sleep by setting a sleep routine, not eating a couple of hours before you go to sleep and not looking at screens for at least 30-minutes before bed.



Nutrition is key to any good fitness regime. We can do as many burpees and sprints as we like but nutrition is 2/3 of a balanced weight loss schedule. It also adds to our physical strength on a given day and our ability to recover quickly, allowing us to return to training quicker. Many foods, including fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and protein sources, have been shown to reduce inflammation, improve immune function, promote healing, and provide the fuel necessary for you to get on the mend. Plan your post-training meal so you are not reaching for convenient food or relying on quick fixes like protein bars to get you through.


Stretching and Massage

Stretching out muscles that have become sore and stuff because of training is a good way to keep them limber and functioning well. Your trainer will be able to recommend gentle movements and stretches that can help. An effective way to reduce delayed onset muscle soreness is massage. This increases blood flow which speeds up the recovery process. Massage can be done on your own body with practice or with a massage gun. If you’d prefer to enjoy a relaxing and rejuvenating massage done by a professional, book a regular session in Osprey Spa.

Water Therapy

Drinking water is essential for training and recovery but water therapy can also help. The combination of hydrostatic pressure and active motion in the water can have positive effects on the body's ability to recover. A therapeutic option like walking or running, when done in water, not only increases blood flow but decreases swelling and invigorates worn-out bodies. Swimming is also a great option for a workout the day after a heavy session, allowing you to train without further impacting sore joints or risking injury. Saunas, steam rooms and jacuzzis are also helpful as heat increases blood circulation and carries oxygen-rich around the body. Heat also allows muscles to relax better, thus relieving muscle tension. Members of Osprey Leisure Club enjoy access to our pool and thermal suite as standard, giving you the full spectrum of training and recovery tools.


Enquire today about membership to Osprey Leisure Club and start your fitness journey the right way. We offer long and short-term memberships, family options and guests of Osprey Hotel can enjoy the leisure club for free.